Those looking for new episodes of the 6teen sitcom might be confused though since Cartoon Network started showing these episodes. Mainly because they're not showing them in order so new episodes aren't actually new. The random airing of episodes have quite a few people confused (me too) and I think its pretty stupid on the part of Nickelodeon. If you're to lazy to look it up in Wikipedia or some website with lists of TV episodes well...you're covered, for now.
List of 6teen Characters
Jonesy Garcia
Jude Lizowski
Wyatt Williams
Caitlin Cooke
Nikki Wong
Jen Masterson
Coach Halder
The Clones
Stanley & Yummy Mummy
The Greeter Gods and Goddesses
Stuart Goldstein
Gina and Brittany
Christo & Blade
The Nurse
George and Gracie Bickerson
Crazy Pete
Movie Usher
Big Steve
Pokey The Panda
Mr. Garcia and Mrs. Emma Masterson/Garcia
Diego & Robbie Garcia
Courtney Masterson
Nikki's sister
Mr. and Mrs. Wong
Mr. Cooke
The "Gay Cowboy" guy
"The Betty"
Melinda Wilson
Charlie Dobbs
Escalator Girls
The Goths
Mandy & Gwen
The Doppelgangers
"The Couple" Jason & Joanie
Book girl
Young Girls
The Camera Crew
This may not be complete so let me know if I've missed one.
The show has garnered a lot of hate amongst some parents for being inappropriate for the age group it caters to, which is supposedly young children. I like a lot of people just like animated series and cartoons so watching 6teen is a no-brainer for me. Call me immature or stupid or whatever but hey I make no excuses. There isn't any bad swearing at all just maybe some 'craps' here or there but nothing to really worry about if you're a parent. It seems some parents are so overprotective of their children that they shelter them from the outside world and when the kids grow up they go into shock. Then the parents wonder how it happened. At any rate, I don't think letting your kids or teens watch 6teen on Cartoon Network is really going to make them into bad people. I fully endorse this animated series and that's that.
Also if you're looking for a list of 6teen episodes and aren't fully capable of completing a web search then guess what? I've got you covered again!
List of 6teen Episodes
6teen - Season 1: 2004 – 2005
Episode #/Title/Original Airdate
01 "Take this Job and Squeeze It" November 7, 2004
Five friends want to get jobs in the Galleria Shopping Mall and meet Caitlin, who ends up as a sixth member of the gang.
02 "The Big Sickie" November 11, 2004
Jen is so "into" her job that she cannot find any time to relax, so the gang tries to take her to go to the amusement park.
03 "The Slow and Even-Tempered" November 21, 2004
Jonesy starts working as Ron's assistant. Meanwhile, Caitlin steals Wyatt's lucky jacket, and Jude tries to teach Jen how to drive. Jude gets the keys for the car in the atrium from Jonesy. Jen drives the car into the fountain and Jonesy gets fired. Ron makes Jonesy take off his uniform in front of the whole mall.
04 "A Lime to Party" November 28, 2004
Caitlin is constantly forgetting to order lemons and ignores her customers, while Jonesy gets a job across the foodcourt. Wyatt wins VIP tickets for the Mighty Weasels concert, and both Nikki and Jude compete to get them.
05 "Deck the Mall" December 5, 2004
The gang tries to survive the Christmas shopping rush and ends up locked in the mall.
06 "The Sushi Connection" December 12, 2004
Caitlin is in love with Kyle Donaldson, a handsome tennis player, so Jen and Jonesy try to help her to get a date with him. Meanwhile, Nikki is teased by the Clones after becoming a temporary assistant manager because her tag says A** Man short for Assistant Manager.
07 "The Five Finger Discount" December 19, 2004
While normally strict and the most lawful of the gang, Jen steals an expensive snowboard jacket to be hip and impress a guy who does not pay much attention to her. Meanwhile, Jude falls for a talking chair named Betty. Terri Hawkes guest stars as Betty
08 "Breaking Up with the Boss' Son" December 26, 2004
Jen falls in love with Coach Halder's son, and then tries to break up with him when she discovers that he is a jerk.
09 "Employee of the Month" January 2, 2005
In an attempt to make Nikki less individualistic, Chrissy declares her the new "Employee of the Month". Their brainwashing starts to work, and Nikki slowly becomes another Clone. That is, until Caitlin, Wyatt, and Jude remind her who she truly is. Jonesy is the secret shopper, and Jen tries to get her store rep back up after being rude to Jonesy.
10 "Idol Time at the Mall" January 9, 2005
Using a song that describes how great his friends are, Wyatt wins an idol competition taking place in the mall and becomes famous. However, when none of them attend his first gig the following day, he makes a few "changes" to the song that won him the contest. The contest was a spoof of American Idol, including the theme tune, and the judges.
11 "The Fake Date" January 16, 2005
Jen tries to impress Charlie Dobbs, a new employee at the Penalty Box, by making him jealous. She finds herself a "fake date" to make her plan work, and Jude is the one who must become her boyfriend for a couple of hours. Nikki and Jonesy get stuck in an elevator
12 "The Girls in the Band" February 20, 2005
DawgToy, a boy band, comes to the mall, so Caitlin and Jen try to get close to their idols. Meanwhile, Nikki accidentally wins the competition for a role in DawgToy's video, revealing a closely-guarded secret.
13 "Mr. Nice Guy" February 27, 2005
Jonesy tries to cheer up Wyatt by taking him on a double-date. Meanwhile, Jen bets Caitlin that teen magazines are trash and will not help Jude with his problem.
14 "Clonesy" March 6, 2005
Jonesy takes Nikki out on a date. Jen, Caitlin, and Wyatt try to stop their relationship dead in its tracks out of fear that if it fails, their friendship might be in danger. Meanwhile, Jude uses too much of Jen's muscle relaxing cream and his whole body becomes numb, so he's forced to look for help by pushing himself on his skateboard with his mouth.
15 "Stupid Over Cupid" March 27, 2005
It's Valentine's Day in the mall. All of the teens try to either find a date or to just boycott the whole thing.
16 "The Khaki Girl" April 10, 2005
Jude meets Starr for the second time, at the water fountain where they both fall in love with each other, while Caitlin fights with her former friend, Tricia, to discover who is the biggest shopper in the mall at a Khaki Barn contest.
17 "The (Almost) Graduate" April 17, 2005
Wyatt tries to impress Serena by making her believe that he is more mature than she thinks.
18 "Bring it On" April 24, 2005
A gender war starts when Jonesy works at the Penalty Box and proves to be a better salesman than Jen. Jude becomes the mall's unofficial babysitter, resulting in him biting off more than he can chew, and developing a new view on how children's minds really work.
19 "The Swami" May 8, 2005
Jonesy becomes the manager of a guru. When the guru is unable to some to the mall for his speech, Jonesy gets Jude to take his place. Jude gives people his ridiculous advice, leading to catastrophic events with Wyatt stuck up a ladder when he is afraid of heights.
20 "Cecil B. Delusioned" May 15, 2005
Jonesy makes his own version of "Prank TV," using a video camera to tape Nikki.
21 "The Birthday Boy" May 29, 2005
Wyatt is not very happy about his birthday. Furthermore, Jonesy still cannot get Nikki out of his head.
22 "Enter the Dragon" June 5, 2005
The guys try to get tickets for a new karate movie, but the girls are acting strangely (Caitlin is angry at everyone and everything, Jen is sick to her stomach, and Nikki is strangely happy and won't stop eating chocolate) and supposedly have the only tickets left.
23 "One Quiet Day" June 19, 2005
Jude does not want to study for his exams and his friends make him do it by any means necessary. Caitlin claims that Jen cannot go an evening without telling others what to do, so Jonesy turns the claim into a bet with the whole gang staking some money.
24 "It's Always Courtney, Courtney, Courtney!" June 19, 2005
Jen's older sister Courtney comes to town. The entire gang abandons Jen, with the guys astonished by Courtney's looks, and girls loving to listen about her ex-boyfriends and trips abroad. Courtney ends up getting the gang in trouble by making them fake ID's for a nightclub.
25 "The One with the Text Message" June 19, 2005
Serena breaks up with Wyatt via text message. Caitlin fights with Jen over a beautiful dress they both want to buy.
26 "Boo, Dude!" June 19, 2005
Jonesy, Wyatt, and Jude try to prank Ron by closing all the bathrooms and photograph him with his pants down; but ended up pranking Caitlin and seeing her with her pants off (they did not black it out), and Jen wants to stop Coach Halder's Jason Voorhess-style jokes at the Penalty Box.
6teen - Season 2: 2005 – 2006
Epsode #/Title/ Original Airdate
27 "Going Underground" November 2, 2005
Jude is fired from the Stick-It after a customer complains about finding a cockroach in his food, while Wyatt is fired from Spin This for getting on Serena's nerves. Both find themselves at Underground Video, working for the unpopular Wayne. Meanwhile, Caitlin is afraid her boyfriend, Tallen, will break up with her, until she finds out he kisses "like a golden retriever."
28 "Deadbeat Poets Society" November 9, 2005
Starr wants to help Wyatt control his anger, and introduces him to a small poet society.
29 "Career Day" November 16, 2005
Jude destroys a copy of Wayne's beloved film and gives all his friends their career tests, but Caitlin's copy is accidentally switched with Nikki's.
30 "Fish and Make Up" November 23, 2005
Jude finds himself a new goldfish friend named "Fish". Meanwhile, Nikki snaps at Caitlin, after Caitlin keeps telling stories to her friends about her new crush, Wade, which leads to Caitlin & Nikki being no longer friends.
31 "Awake the Wyatt Within" November 30, 2005
Wyatt still tries to get Serena back. Wayne might be his only hope, because of his ability to choose the perfect movies for broken couples. Jonesy has an argument with Nikki over style, Caitlin's blender is broken, and Jen wants to end her relationship with Charlie Dobbs.
32 "Unhappy Anniversary" December 7, 2005
It is Jonesy and Nikki's three-month anniversary. The two try to find gifts for each other, which leads to a big misunderstanding. Jude crashes at Wyatt's place cause he's aunt's in town, so they have a sleepover.
33 "Pillow Talk" December 14, 2005
The gang tells Caitlin their deepest secrets, and she tells them to her new boyfriend, Dustin. Later, Dustin volunteers to get hypnotized at a hypnosis demonstration and is hypnotized into blurting out all of the gang's secrets, except Caitlin's, to the entire mall.
34 "In a Retail Wonderland..." December 18, 2005
Starr tries to help Jen during the Christmas rush by teaching her yoga. Meanwhile, Caitlin loses the will to shop and Nikkie does not want to go to Acapulco with her parents.
35 "Losing Your Lemon" December 26, 2005
Caitlin has paid up the credit debt she accrued a long time ago and is free to go, so she quits her job. Meanwhile doppelganers of the gang show up in the mall.
36 "Welcome to the Darth Side" December 27, 2005
Nikki is temporarily fired from the Khaki Barn because of Jonesy, and forced to work with Darth. Jonesy and Jen compete in salesmanship to win sporting equipment.
37 "The New Guy" December 28, 2005
Ron hires an assistant security guard, and makes life more miserable for the gang. The gang comes up with a plan to get Ron to retire early. It works and Ron retires, leaving the mall in the hands of an inexperienced rookie. When Caitlin sees how sad Ron is without his job, she gets him to hang out with them. The others don't want to hang out with him and make another plan to make Ron take his job back.
38 "Midnight Madness" December 29, 2005
Ron hires an assistant security guard, and makes life more miserable for the gang. The gang comes up with a plan to get Ron to retire early. It works and Ron retires, leaving the mall in the hands of an inexperienced rookie. When Caitlin sees how sad Ron is without his job, she gets him to hang out with them. The others don't want to hang out with him and make another plan to make Ron take his job back.
39 "Major Unfaithfulness" December 30, 2005
Caitlin cheats on her hairdresser for a famous stylist. Meanwhile, Underground Videos is sold to Taj Mahome Video, so Wayne, Jude, and Wyatt find a way to sell it back.
40 "Waiting to Ex-Sale" January 8, 2006
Caitlin and Jen wait in line for a once-in-a-lifetime sale at Albatross & Finch, but the line to get in is extremely long. Jonesy is scared to donate blood because of a childhood experience. In the end, Jude ends up donating 17 pints of blood because he keeps disguising himself to get more free doughnuts.
41 "The Hunted" January 15, 2006
Nikki falls for the new salesman at Albatross & Finch, but Caitlin ends up dating him instead. Meanwhile, Jude and Wyatt start a psychic hotline because the real phone number is only a digit off Underground Video's number.
42 "Lights Out" January 22, 2006
Starr goes goth, and Jude goes goth as well to impress her and calls himself Judas. The gang visits the movie theatre during a power outage. Starr (Nebula) breaks up with Jude (Judas).
43 "A Ding from Down Under" January 29, 2006
Jude starts a (literally) long-distance relationship with a girl from Australia. Meanwhile, Wyatt gets fired from Underground Video, and starts to work at "Burger McFlipsters". Alan Park guest stars as Tim
44 "The Wedding Destroyers" February 5, 2006
Jen, Jonesy, and their siblings all clash over their parents' marriage. He accidentally sees Jen's boobs. Ron turns out to be a skillful negotiator.
45 "Lords of Mall Town" February 12, 2006
Jude teaches Wyatt to loosen up by coaching him to skateboard like a pro, while Caitlin makes Jen go out with her on an unwanted double-date.
46 "Jonesy's Low Mojo" February 19, 2006
Nikki falls for a new guy named Stone, while Jonesy is beaten by a twelve-year-old at an arcade game.
47 "Smarten Up" February 26, 2006
Caitlin lies about being in college to win the heart of a cute college boy, while Jude attempts to win a "Roll Up the Rim to Win"-style contest at Grind Me.
48 "Dirty Work" March 5, 2006
Jonesy starts his own business, a "breaking bad news service" that delivers all types of bad news to people on behalf of someone else. He makes a lot of money, and "catches girls on the rebound". Everything is fine, until Jonesy is hired by Nikki's boyfriend to break up with her. Meanwhile, the escalator girls hold Jen's house keys and Jude's old skateboard hostage.
49 "Over Exposed" April 9, 2006
Jonesy accidentally sees Jen completely naked. They both swear secrecy, but end up telling the rest of the gang. Meanwhile, Chrissy starts working at the Soft Rock Café and Kirsten and Kristen begin looking up to Nikki.
50 "A Crime of Fashion" April 10, 2006
Jude sees a mannequin in a display window, which looks just like him wearing formal wear and tries different pranks involving it, while Tricia frames Caitlin for stealing clothes from Albatross & Finch.
51 "Spring Fling" April 11, 2006
The girls try to make Nikki a prom queen, but Tricia stands in the way. She seduces Jonesy to help her in the campaign against Nikki.
52 "Girlie Boys" April 30, 2006
After getting rid of his unibrow, Jonesy gets a job in the mall's spa. Meanwhile, Jude competes against Mike Dent in a skateboarding race, and Caitlin gets a part-time job, where she eats nothing but free chocolate.
6teen - Season 3: 2007 – 2008
Episode #/Title/Original Airdate
53 "Sweet 6teen" August 31, 2007
Caitlin's 16th birthday is coming up and she wants to have the most awesome expensive party ever! But when Trisha hears Caitlin's going to have Chill TV there to film the party, she persuades Caitlin to have a joint sweet 16 with her. But just as the party nears, Trisha ditches Caitlin and makes the party her own.
54 "Baby, You Stink" September 13, 2007
Jonesy, Wyatt, and Jude agree not to shower themselves for a week to determine which one of them smells the worst, with Nikki, Jen, and Caitlin as the judges. Meanwhile, Caitlin is trying to get a good baby picture, but every picture she takes ends up ugly. Will she end up with a beautiful baby?
55 "Selling Out To The Burger Man" September 17, 2007
Caitlin falls in love with Les Bland, who happens to love shopping; Wyatt writes down a new jingle in order to be rewarded with free food and rehearsal space for a band at Burger McFlipsters.
56 "The Journal" October 7, 2007
Jonesy gets a new job at the mall's Lost & Found and starts selling the lost and found items. He comes along Jen's precious journal, and gives it to Caitlin, but she, Jude, Nikki, and Wyatt end up reading it and learns Jen's thoughts about them. Soon, the whole mall know all Jen's deepest secrets and she freaks out and hides in her room. The gang starts to feel really bad and starts to spread positive rumors about her and she becomes a hero! In the end, Jude comes to her and convinces her to come back to the mall.
57 "Silent Butt Deadly" October 14, 2007
Nikki and Jonesy spend some quality time at Jonesy's house, until Nikki needs to use the bathroom next door to Jonesy's bedroom, and a faulty flusher causes a flood. Rachel Wilson guest stars as Melinda Wilson.
58 "The New Jonesy" October 15, 2007
Jen starts dating a guy named Smithy. The gang realizes that Smithy acts and looks just like Jonesy, but Jen doesn't believe them until she gets a closer look at Smithy. Meanwhile Jude races his Zamboni against Ron to see which vehicle will stay at the mall.
59 "Wrestlemania" November 4, 2007
Jen gets promoted to Assistant Coach at The Penalty Box, only to order too much wrestling merchandise from a marketing representative when she develops a crush on him. Jen needs to sell the wrestling gear while her job is still on the line, so Jonesy, in his Wrestling name "The Stud", lends a hand. Meanwhile, Nikki tries to get over Stone, with Caitlin's help. (Not to be confused with WWE's flagship pay-per-view TV broadcast, Wrestlemania.)
60 "Prank'd" November 6, 2007
Jen teams up with Wyatt and Jude to get Jonesy into thinking that he won a lottery and is a millionaire to get revenge on Jonesy for constantly pranking Jen. Caitlin also apparently wins a contest from the bank that gives her money to spend. She then spends it on some diamond and earrings that makes Tricia believe that Caitlin working in the lemon is fake. She then continues to stalk Caitlin. Aired as a Viewer's Vote episode.
61 "2-4-1" November 12, 2007
Caitlin falls in love with two different guys at the same time. Harvey Atkins guest stars as George Bickerson.
62 "Another Day at the Office" November 25, 2007
Nikki seeks revenge by playing a huge prank on the Khaki Clones; Jonesy opens an account at the bank, but he later impersonates the bank's manager from the head office, giving out loans to his friends and rejecting loans from others.
63 "Oops, I Dialed It Again" November 28, 2007
Nikki starts flirting with the customers at the Khaki Barn so she can earn more money to buy Jonesy new skates, but when she accidentally calls Jonesy on the one of the new cell phones Caitlin gave all of them, he overhears her flirting with one of the customers and thinks she's cheating on him. Jen gets stuck in a question booth.
64 "How the Rent-A-Cop Stole Christmas" December 17, 2007
Ron the Rent-a-Cop seems determined to put an end to Christmas by confiscating all of the Mall decorations.
65 "All Pets Are Off" January 31, 2008
Caitlin falls for a guy who loves animals, so after seeing Tricia with a cute new pet, Caitlin decides to have one for herself to impress him. Meanwhile Jude's lucky coin falls into the air vent and he gets stuck while trying to retrieve it.
66 "J For Genius" February 3, 2008
After cheating on an IQ test he takes in response to Nikki's challenge, Jonesy is offered a job as a computer salesman at "Things that Beep." Jen gets along with the interim coach of The Penalty Box when Coach Halder takes a short leave of absence. Also, Jude and Ron get hooked on a romantic soap opera.
67 "Bicker Me Not" February 10, 2008
Jonesy accidentally breaks up George and Gracie Bickersons' marriage. Caitlin flirts with Kevin, the other Lemon employee. (George and Gracie are an allusion to George Burns and Gracie Allen.)
68 "Love At Worst Sight" February 17, 2008
Marlowe gets excited after getting a job at "Spin This," which upsets Wyatt, since he used to work there before Serena fired him for Wyatt taking her rejection too seriously.
69 "The One with the Cold Sore" February 24, 2008
A teen movie gets filmed at the Mall, and auditions for movie extras are held at "Grind Me". Jonesy and Caitlin (with a cold sore) are each determined to be discovered, but the director decides to pick Jen, who later gets a supporting role in the film, after one of the actresses decides to drop out.
70 "Double Date" March 2, 2008
Jonesy and Nikki win a pair of tickets to one of Jonesy's favorite sci-fi flicks, but the other pair of tickets are awarded to Darth and Julie, meaning they all have to be together. During the filming, Jonesy and Darth work on a plan to film the movie in order to sell pirated DVDs.
71 "Fashion Victims" March 9, 2008
Jen is putting some old clothes up for the mall clothing donation drive, but Jonesy sees that the donated clothes were from his father and uses the donated wardrobe for himself.
72 "Insert Name Here" March 9, 2008
Wyatt accidentally calls his girlfriend Marlowe, "Serena", the name of his ex-girlfriend; Jude falls in love with French Canadian figure skater Claudette, who only speaks French.
73 "Whoa, Baby!" March 9, 2008
Caitlin falls for a guy named Sawyer, but needs to make her boobs bigger since Sawyer is into those kind of girls. Diego and Robbie drive Jen completely nuts since Jen hates her three stepbrothers...or could there be another on the way? She finds out her mom is pregnant.
74 "Cheapskates" March 12, 2008
Gryphon, a new employee at "The Penalty Box," asks Jen out on a date, only later to find out that he's more of a miser than a hunky guy. Caitlin mistakenly dates a man named Jasper, and each thinks the other speaks fluent Spanish.
75 "Opposites Attack" March 13, 2008
Jonesy gets a job as a customer service rep at a travel agency and has much in common with his co-worker Joanie. They start to spend a little bit too much time with each other. Nikki notices this and starts to fear that Jonesy might dump her for Joanie.
76 "Mr. and Mr. Perfect" March 14, 2008
A dating dispute ensues when Jen needs a date for her cousin's wedding to avoid being seated at the children's table. Nikki and Jonesy find a perfect candidate named Dax, but Caitlin feels that her choice, Dougray, is even more perfect.
77 "Date and Switch" April 20, 2008
Wyatt has a fear that Marlowe could break up with him after they get on each other's nerves. Caitlin meets Calum at a party and later writes a fake phone number to Calum, but she writes the number on her own Khaki Card, on which she saved shopper's card points since she was 14. Caitlin needs to find a way to search for Calum and get her Khaki card back.
78 "Life Slaver" April 25, 2008
Caitlin saves Darth from a bully, who had strung him up over a mezzanine railing, and gets protection from the Jedi force as her reward. His efforts make Caitlin uncomfortable, so she tries to make him stop. Meanwhile, Julie is jealous that Darth is spending so much time around Caitlin, and wants revenge.
6teen - One-hour specials
Title/Original Airdate
"Dude of the Living Dead" October 23, 2005
Jude and his friends are attacked by zombies, who quickly spread the infection (whose original host is unknown) by inflicting superficial flesh wounds. In the end, Jude discovers that it was only a dream, induced by a 24-hour horror movie marathon. Upon awakening and meeting his friends at the mall, finding one element of his dream (Jen's zit) to be comically prophetic, Jude runs off screaming. This episode was aired prior to Halloween.
"Snow Job" December 1, 2006
The biggest snowstorm of the year occurs only three days before the biggest dance of the year, and the gang uses the free time to work out important issues at the mall. Breanne Wolkowski guest stars as Sombrero Girl.
Hope this helps. A complete guide of 6teen characters and list of 6teen episodes for your viewing pleasure.
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